Welcome to Elphine House Australia's Rule Book....
I just couldn't help but say it that way...
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
A new challenge goes live every other Wednesday at 9:00 AM Australia time. With challenges closing at 9:00 PM on Tuesday the night before, Australia time. Please take a look at our clock at the top of the side bar.
What Stamps Can I Use?
If you own Anything designed by Elisabeth Bell, You're in luck... you can use it here. That means whether it's an actual rubber stamp, or a digital one. We love seeing Elisabeth Bell's beautiful designs.
"If Elisabeth Bell Drew It.... You Can Use It"
Combining Stamps/Images
Your Elisabeth Bell image CAN be combined with other images, HOWEVER..... the Elisabeth Bell image must ALWAYS be the main image and focal point on your creation.
Lets face it, we all like to mask, and add extra things here and there, this is okay, as long as your Elisabeth Image is taking center stage.
Lets face it, we all like to mask, and add extra things here and there, this is okay, as long as your Elisabeth Image is taking center stage.
Can We Alter The Images?
The answer is NOOOOOOOO... Sorry, but PLEASE DO NOT alter any of Elisabeth Bells designs. Masking and combining is okay, but what I mean by NOT ALTERING, is Please DO NOT switch bodies, heads, or anything of that nature on any of Elisabeth Bell's Illustrations.
Qualifying for Prizes
Your card or project must always clearly show what the challenge theme is. Please do not enter something that barely fits into the challenge.
Your card/project should be posted on your blog, and linking back to the Elphine House Australia Challenge. And then entered here in the linky tool...
Your card/project should be posted on your blog, and linking back to the Elphine House Australia Challenge. And then entered here in the linky tool...
Failure to follow these rules will result in the DT not commenting on your post, and/or having your entry deleted.
We ask that you please abide by Elisabeth's Angel Policy. See Below!
We can't wait to have you join us for some fun....
The EHA Design Team
The EHA Design Team

Elisabeth Bell Stamps Angel Policy (Rubber Stamps)
Artist, Elisabeth Bell, welcomes all who would like to use her stamp images in their own hand-stamped craftwork that they produce to sell (please see terms below). Therefore, permission is granted in the form of a limited license to use any Elisabeth Bell stamp images for the purpose of creating craftwork for sale, under the following criteria:
Each craftwork created for sale must be personally and individually hand-stamped by the selling artist and may not be reproduced or copied in any form by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying.
Mass production, assembly-line construction, production by workers for hire, or syndication of hand-stamped craftwork for sale is strictly prohibited.
Hand-stamped craft work absolutely may NOT be used for commercial purposes on products without express written permission from the artist, Elisabeth Bell.
All Elisabeth Bell images are copyrighted, which means that they must not be copied, duplicated or marketed without express written consent from the artist.
The Artist reserves the right to deny or terminate permission to use Elisabeth Bell designs and images with respect to any particular person. Lis-trations Art and Designs, LLC, will not hesitate to pursue legal action against those who do not abide by these terms.
The following restrictions apply to Elisabeth Bell Stamps
1. Each project should be crafted by the individual and must be hand stamped.
2. Any artwork created using Elisabeth Bell designs must not infringe third-party copyrighted material. The artist must accept full responsibility for his or her artwork.
3. Electronic, mechanical, freehand, graphic reproduction (such as scanning or photocopying) and/or mass reproduction of any of Elisabeth Bell stamp designs without a legal license is strictly prohibited.
4. The swapping of Elisabeth Bell pre-stamped images is strictly prohibited.
5. The selling of Elisabeth Bell pre-stamped images is strictly prohibited.
6. The selling of reproduced, hand-crafted designs of Elisabeth Bell images and stamp designs on products is strictly prohibited.
7. Elisabeth Bell stamps can only be sold by authorized retailers ie. the 5 stamp companies Elisabeth currently works with (as listed below), including companies they wholesale to.
The current 5 stamp companies are:
8. A maximum of 100 hand-stamped items (and NOT 100 hand-stamped items per stamp design) in the form of handmade cards is permitted for sales purposes by the artist individual.
9. Decoupage, card-toppers or use of Elisabeth Bell stamp images on materials other than handmade cards is permissible for personal keepsakes ONLY and NOT on items intended for sale.
10. *Credit for the stamped images and © Elisabeth Bell must appear on the back of your items. Credit for the stamping company from which the stamp is licensed may also be made.
*Please keep my name and copyright visible somewhere on the project (alongside the art if possible). You may hand-write my name and copyright on the back of your card/item in a visible area. Please write my name and copyright like this: Illustration © Elisabeth Bell
11. Elisabeth Bell may amend these policies governing the use of her copyrighted designs and images, including the Angel Policy, at any time. Amendments to such policies are effective upon publication unless otherwise noted and will be posted on the official Elisabeth Bell website. The Artist (Elisabeth Bell) reserves the right to deny or terminate permission to use Elisabeth Bell designs and images with respect to any particular person.
Thank you for respecting my designs as an artist and I hope you continue to receive much enjoyment through your stamping creativity.
~ Elisabeth