Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Mid-Challenge Reminder and Inspiration

Hello there, it's Lynda here with a little mid-challenge reminder and a couple of inspirational pieces to share.  Carla and I have both created something using the "Let it Snow" theme.  Our challenge is still going on, you will have until December 30th to play along.  Do you have a favorite Fall or Wintery Elisabeth Bell Stamp?  How about the darling winter/Christmas stamps from Elphine House Australia?  Just a reminder about this months challenge....

You get 2 choices, you can either do one or both, and be sure to enter by December 30th, for a chance to win a fabulous prize from Elphine House Australia.

Sooooo the choice is yours....

"Autumn Leaves" Using any Elisabeth Bell Design...
"Let it Snow..." using any Elisabeth Bell Design. 

 This challenge will end on December 30th, and winner will be announced on December 31st.
Please note: YOU MUST USE AN ELISABETH BELL Designed Stamp in order to qualify for a Prize. 
Carla has created this absolutely darling holiday snowy shaped card
Talk about some GORGEOUS inspiration.

My creation isn't quite as extravagant as Carla's, but I've used Ebony's Christmas Snowflakes from Elphine House Australia, and colored her in a golden color.
this is the first time I've attempted to make a snowy scene using "Gold" tones, instead of silver.

Lynne has also used Ebony's Christmas Snowflakes on her white on white card!

So why not scroll down, (or Click Here to go directly there)  and check out some "Fall" and/or "Snowy" creations and join us for these fun filled challenges.
We can't wait to see what you'll create.

We love us some Elphine House Australia stamps.  =)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

EHA Challenge #53 - "Autumn Leaves" or "Let it Snow"

Greetings Elphine House Friends,
It's time for a brand new Challenge.

We had a slow month last month it seems.  I guess no one likes to create "Shaped Cards" :(
Our Winner for last month's "Shaped Card" Challenge is 


3. kbrandy4   
Look at this adorable creation she's made!
Please contact Helen & Lew at Elphine House
to claim your prize.


Look what else we have for you to display proudly on your blog.

All you have to do, is simply right click, and save the image...

Post it on your blog, and wear it with pride! =)

I thought we would do things a little bit different this month....
We were originally going to have a challenge theme of "Autumn Leaves, BUT...
I thought with this season being so busy,
We are going to give you the option to follow This Months Theme or next months theme.  Then rather than holding a challenge in December, we will announce our challenge winners on the 31st and regular challenges will begin again in January.
Sooooo the choice is yours....

"Autumn Leaves" Using any Elisabeth Bell Design...
"Let it Snow..." using any Elisabeth Bell Design. 

 This challenge will end on December 30th, and winner will be announced on December 31st.
Please note: YOU MUST USE AN ELISABETH BELL Designed Stamp in order to qualify for a Prize. 
(Anyone using something other than an EB Design, will be deleted from inlinkz.)

To Qualify For Prizes:

If you are using a stamp that is an Elphine House Stamp,
You will win 2 stamps of your choice from EHA.

If you use an Elisabeth Bell design from any of the other companies,
Your prize will be 1 stamp from EHA and will come to you as a surprise package. EHA will choose the stamp for you.

After much consideration, Helen and Lew thought this would be the best way to promote Elphine House Australia! =)

Remember, if you do not use a design by Elisabeth Bell, Your entry will not be counted for the prize, and will be deleted from our list of entries. will choose our winner next time, and will be announced at the beginning of the next challenge.

Now it's time to share what our wonderful DT has created to inspire you





So what do you think? Lets see you dig out your Elisabeth Bell Stamps, (From ANY Company) and come out and Play with us here at Elphine House

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

EHA Challenge #52 - "Shaped Cards"

Greetings Elphine House Friends,
It's time for a brand new Challenge.

We had a pretty easy challenge last month, considering ALL of Elisabeth Bells designs are CUTE.  I was surprised we didn't have more people join in.
Sadly, I had to delete a few entries, as they did not use an Elisabeth Bell stamp or digi.
Our Winner for last month's "Simply Cute" Challenge is 

8. Renata (stitch-and-greet) 
Look at this adorable creation she's made!
Please contact Helen & Lew at Elphine House
to claim your prize.


Look what else we have for you to display proudly on your blog.

All you have to do, is simply right click, and save the image...

Post it on your blog, and wear it with pride! =)



"Shaped Cards"
We want to see cards that are shaped, anything other than the standard square or rectangular shapes. Lets see how creative you can be.

Using ANY Elisabeth Bell Design

Please note: YOU MUST USE AN ELISABETH BELL Designed Stamp in order to qualify for a Prize.

To Qualify For Prizes:

If you are using a stamp that is an Elphine House Stamp,
You will win 2 stamps of your choice from EHA.

If you use an Elisabeth Bell design from any of the other companies,
Your prize will be 1 stamp from EHA and will come to you as a surprise package. EHA will choose the stamp for you.

After much consideration, Helen and Lew thought this would be the best way to promote Elphine House Australia! =)

Remember, if you do not use a design by Elisabeth Bell, Your entry will not be counted for the prize, and will be deleted from our list of entries. will choose our winner next time, and will be announced at the beginning of the next challenge.

Now it's time to share what our wonderful DT has created to inspire you




So what do you think? Lets see you dig out your Elisabeth Bell Stamps, (From ANY Company) and come out and Play with us here at Elphine House

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

EHA Challenge #51 - "Simply Cute"

Greetings Elphine House Friends,
It's time for a brand new Challenge.

We are so happy that both Carla and Pops have joined our little family.
Carla has joined us this time, and Pops will be with us shortly.



"Simply Cute"
Bring on the Cuteness

Using ANY Elisabeth Bell Design

Please note: YOU MUST USE AN ELISABETH BELL Designed Stamp in order to qualify for a Prize.

To Qualify For Prizes:

If you are using a stamp that is an Elphine House Stamp,
You will win 2 stamps of your choice from EHA.

If you use an Elisabeth Bell design from any of the other companies,
Your prize will be 1 stamp from EHA and will come to you as a surprise package. EHA will choose the stamp for you.

After much consideration, Helen and Lew thought this would be the best way to promote Elphine House Australia! =)

Remember, if you do not use a design by Elisabeth Bell, Your entry will not be counted for the prize, and will be deleted from our list of entries. will choose our winner next time, and will be announced at the beginning of the next challenge.

Now it's time to share what our wonderful DT has created to inspire you

Carla-Carrie Three Wheeling

elphine house simply cute

Lynda EHA - Simply Cute


So what do you think? Lets see you dig out your Elisabeth Bell Stamps, (From ANY Company) and come out and Play with us here at Elphine House

Monday, September 2, 2013

Meet Elphine House Australia's Newest DT Members

Greetings Everyone! 
The time has come, to announce our two new DT members.
Let me just say that trying to decide, and voting on these beautiful entries turned out to be VERY Difficult...  I wished we could have taken more than 2 more DT members, because the talent you've all shown has been AMAZING!!!
But the votes are in, and it's time for the big announcement.
Congratulations to both

If you could both please contact me, (Lumbkin(@) we can get started on getting everything set for you.

Congratulations ladies....
Welcome to EHA - We are looking forward to working with you.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

EHA Challenge #50 Winners Announcement

Greetings Elphine House Friends,
We have lots of changes going on here on the EHA DT.
But before we get to that, lets first announce our winner from our

"Distressing Challenge"

Great Big CONGRATS to...

Here is her gorgeous creation.

Please contact Helen & Lew at Elphine House
to claim your prize.


Look what else we have for you to display proudly on your blog.

All you have to do, is simply right click, and save the image...

Post it on your blog, and wear it with pride! =)


 In light of our changes, we have decided that we will NOT have a challenge this week. 

We currently have a Design Team Call going on.
So we hope that you'll take some time and give it a try.

All that is required is that you create something using a "Friendship" theme...
of course using
ANY Elisabeth Bell Design

If you think that you'd like to join our team, and create with some of Elisabeth Bells adorable clear polymer stamps, then Click here to enter.  The DT Call ends on August 31st.

What are the requirements?  - Simple really...

  • You will create a card, a paper-craft project, or scrapbook page (whichever and whatever you fancy) with every stamp sent to you via air mail, and post it on your blog at least once every 2 weeks, and linking back to Elphine House Australia.

  • Submit photos of your creations to be posted on the DT's Yahoo Group.

  • Be willing to upload designs onto Elisabeth Bell's Facebook Page, and include Elphine House Australia logo by your design, or link it back to Elphine House Australia.

  • You are required to mail us at least two (2) hand-made  cards or designs using Elphine House Australia stamps each month for Elphine House Australia portfolio, which will be used for promotional purposes 

Our next challenge will be on September 18th.  EHA is switching to a MONTHLY CHALLENGE.  Which will of course give everyone lots of extra time to join us.  The challenges will be held on the 3rd Wednesday of each Month. (Australia time of course) 

We will be back to announce our newest DT members, and after that, on September 18th, to kick off our next challenge.




Thursday, August 8, 2013

Elphine House DT Call

Greetings everyone!
If you've been following our challenges, and seen yesterday's challenge post, you may know that we are shrinking in size.  Because of this, we're holding a DT Call. 

How would you like to become part of the "Elphine House Family"
As part of the Elphine House team, you will have the privilege (and Joy) of playing and creating with Elphine House Australia's own line of Elisabeth Bell Stamps.
What could be more fun than that?
Not to mention you would be part of a very special team that is truly like a family.
We will be choosing 2 new DT members.

What are the regular DT requirements?  - Simple really... 
  • You will create a card, a paper-craft project, or scrapbook page (whichever and whatever you fancy) with every stamp sent to you via air mail, and post it on your blog at least once every 2 weeks, and linking back to Elphine House Australia.
  • Submit photos of your creations to be posted on the DT's Yahoo Group.
  • Be willing to upload designs onto Elisabeth Bell's Facebook Page, and include Elphine House Australia logo by your design, or link it back to Elphine House Australia.
  • You are required to mail us at least two (2) hand-made  cards or designs using Elphine House Australia stamps each month for Elphine House Australia portfolio, which will be used for promotional purposes 

So what do you say?  Want to give it a shot? 
We want to see your Elisabeth Bell creations.

We would LOVE to see you use an Elphine House Stamp if you have one,
but if not, then as long as it's a stamp designed by Elisabeth Bell, then we'll accept that.
Any entries that ARE NOT MADE using an EB Stamp/image do not qualify will be deleted from the linky tool.
How about a DT Call theme?

Your creation should follow the theme of
The call begins right now, and will end on August 31st.
The current DT will be voting, so lets see that creativity.
Ready  -  Set  -  GOOOOO!!!!


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

EHA Challenge #50 - "Distressing"

Greetings Elphine House Friends,
It's time for a brand new Challenge, but before we get to that, we have some sad news, and a winner to announce.

First our sad news is that this week we are short on DT.
Both Audhild and Carol have decided to step down from the team.
We are so sad to see them go, but fully understand
that sometimes life takes you places that needs

your full attention.

They both will be Greatly missed. =(

Okay, how about a winner???

Great Big CONGRATS to...

5. Carla Suto   

Just look at her gorgeous creation.

Please contact Helen & Lew at Elphine House
to claim your prize.


Look what else we have for you to display proudly on your blog.

All you have to do, is simply right click, and save the image...

Post it on your blog, and wear it with pride! =)



"Distressing"We want to see those distressed cards and projects

Using ANY Elisabeth Bell Design

Please note: YOU MUST USE AN ELISABETH BELL Designed Stamp in order to qualify for a Prize.

To Qualify For Prizes:

If you are using a stamp that is an Elphine House Stamp,
You will win 2 stamps of your choice from EHA.

If you use an Elisabeth Bell design from any of the other companies,
Your prize will be 1 stamp from EHA and will come to you as a surprise package. EHA will choose the stamp for you.

After much consideration, Helen and Lew thought this would be the best way to promote Elphine House Australia! =)

Remember, if you do not use a design by Elisabeth Bell, Your entry will not be counted for the prize, and will be deleted from our list of entries. will choose our winner next time, and will be announced at the beginning of the next challenge.

Now it's time to share what our wonderful DT has created to inspire you

Distressing Julie P

Lynda - Distressing


 (coming soon)


So what do you think? Lets see you dig out your Elisabeth Bell Stamps, (From ANY Company) and come out and Play with us here at Elphine House